Power Platform Plugin Package – Managed identity

I’m going to cover the steps I’ve taken to get power platform plugin packages working with managed identity. Hopefully this helps someone accelerate their success without needing to face the same challenges I struggled with.

This is an extension of my previous blog, so look there if you want the details of how to create the certificate locally in the way that I use it in my post pack event.

You can find example code that I’ve provided on github here.

My main motivation was I wanted the ability to use some of the azure libraries that provide clients to communicate with azure resources. My example currently works with the BlobServiceClient.

Step 1: Signing the package

My event requires a certificate called ManagedIdentityPlugin to be in the users personal certificates. (Check my previous blog if you need help doing this)

First I found I had to download that certificate & install it in Trusted Root Certificate Authority (this is for nuget sign to work below)

Find it in Personal certificates, export, follow the wizard to the end using default options.

Open the certificate where you save it & select install.

It should end up looking like this:

In my example code you will find that I’ve added a post pack event

The main differences with this are instead of using signtool (I found it wouldn’t sign the nupkg only the dll). I’m using “dotnet nuget sign”.

dotnet nuget sign $(ProjectDir)bin\$(ConfigurationName)\ManagedIdentityPlugin.1.0.0.nupkg --certificate-subject-name ManagedIdentityPlugin

The other main thing to take note of is I’ve placed it in the after pack event


This is because the nuget package needs to be packed before I can sign it, purely using post build event was not sufficient.

Step 2: Token to TokenCredential

Another hurdle was the azure client libraries expect one of these classes that provide a GetToken method, but the Microsoft IManagedIdentityService interface has AcquireToken which is a string not an AccessToken object.

I created a class that seems to work (if there is a better way please someone tell me!) It simply takes the token you get from IManagedIdentityService, extends TokenCredential abstract class so you can pass it to BlobServiceClient constructor.

Step 3: Getting the package to register

I had lots of issues adding Azure.Storage.Blobs to my package. The main one was I kept getting errors like:

“Method not found: ‘System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel`”

Eventually I found adding the package System.ClientModel directly seemed to resolve the issue.

My installed packages look like this:

Step 4: Associate the managed identity to the plugin package

Just as before, once you’ve registered your package you need to associate it to the managed identity in Dataverse. Here is an example request:


Once you’ve done this you should have everything you need to get the best out of the microsoft provided azure libraries, securely connected to azure from Dataverse within a plugin package!


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